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Caatati; Humanoid civilization originating in the Delta Quadrant. Most of the Caatati were assimilated by the Borg rededucing a population of millions to a few thousand individuals who escaped in 27 ships. Living conditions were threatened by severe food and supply shortages as well as equipment breakdowns. Voyager granted them humanitarian aid in the form of food and technology. VOY "Day of Honor" 4-71
Cairn; (left)Telepathic
humanoids from deep space. Recent contacts with a strong interest in
joining the Federation. The Cairn have no concept of spoken language
and have almost no vocal ability. Cairn telepathy is different from
most telepathy. Most races telepathically transmit words and sounds,
the Cairn however transmit pure thoughts and images. This is far more
efficient but can only be practiced by Cairn. Since first contact with
the Federation,
the Cairn have struggled to learn common telepathy, develop speech
enhancers, and learn spoken language. The Cairn appear to be standard
humanoids with a textured bony enlargement just over the ears. Cairn
technology is limited to rudimentary interstellar spaceflight. TNG "Dark Page" 7-159
Calamarain; (right)
Intelligent spaceborne race of powerful clouds of ionized gas. The
Calamarain originated in the Bre'el system but have been transplanted
to several nearby systems. They can interface with computer systems and
are highly sensitive to electromagnetic fields, but choose to maintain
no relations with humanoid life. The Calamarain can emit berthold rays.
TNG "Deja Q" 3-61
Caldonian; (right) Humanoid race with a love of research. From a world on the edges of Federation space, they have
chosen to remain separate from the Federation. They do maintain
scientific connections to help their renowned research institutes. The
Caldonians have little advancement in the social or engineering fields,
but their theoretical work in subspace and quantum mechanics is almost
legendary. A race of three-fingered beings over six feet tall, their
enlarged cranium includes a raised bony framework shaped much like a
perpendicular "theta" Greek letter. TNG "The Price" 3-56
Camorite; Inhabitants of Camor V. Physiologically different enough from humans to be easily distinguished via sensor readings from space. Suffered greatly during the Cardassian war. Jason Vigo went to live on Camor V because Miranda wanted to help care for Camor's war orphans TNG "Bloodlines" 7-174
Capellan; (right)
Primitive humanoids from Capella IV, A world relatively close to Earth
and core worlds of the Federation. It's technology is approximate to
the Terran dark ages, their society is somewhat more advanced and was
decided to contact them despite some idiosyncrasies in 2266. After
Federation operatives aided the heir to the Capellan Teer, a
long-standing treaty was signed. Capellan society values combat above
love and sees no value in medicine, to them the weak should die. Their
world is rich in rare mineral compounds such as Topaline. This gives
them a significant economic advantage in their integration to the
modern society. TOS "Friday's Child" 2-40
Cardassian; (left)
The Cardassians are a humanoid race native to Cardassia Prime. They are
easily recognized by the neckline that fans out to connect with the
shoulders, and by the pronounced facial ridges. Two thick vertical
ridges recede back to the crown of the head with an inverted
tear-shaped ridge in the center of the forehead. The area above the
eyes are it where the ridge is thickest, making Cardassian eyes look
deep-set. Most Cardassian men have poker straight hair with jet-black
to dark brown shades that are slicked back as inconspicuously as
possible while the women have more varying hair-types.
value family and relation above all else. Orphans are shunned and left
to die while households with several generations living together are
considered an honorable distinguishment. The education
system implemented on Cardassia dictates that intellectual pursuits
begin at the young age of 3 or 4. Every Cardassian is raised with an
appreciation of fine arts and culture, though the government may not be
like-minded in its policies. Educational attainment is regarded as a
major source of social status and a creative force in Cardassian
society, creating the knowledge that embraces existing social and
political structures. The Cardassians are known for their photographic
memories and the ability to resist a Vulcan mind meld. They pride
themselves on resourcefulness and often say of themselves:
social behavior dictates that men and women court with outward
irritability, and the deceased are honored with elaborate rites that do
not permit offworlders to view the body. Cardassian society has the
most rigid of all legal systems. All suspects are guilty before even
appearing in court, an emphatic display of the futility of crime in
Depata Council rules the Cardassian Union, and legally administers to
the Cardassian Central Command and the Obsidian Order, Cardassia's
secret intelligence agency. However, the Central Command and the
Obsidian Order function autonomously and do not report to the Depata
Council. It is the military Central Command that has the firmest grip
on power in Cardassia. TNG "The Wounded" 4-86, DS9 "The Emissary, Part 1" 1-1
Catullan; (right)
Humanoids from Catulla. Catullan's are noted starship engineers and
many successful design yards are based out of Catulla. The ubiquitous
Yoyodyne Propulsion Systems was co-founded by Terrans and Catullan and
is headquartered on Catulla. Their other sciences and society are
slightly less advanced, but well up to Federation standards. Members of
the Federation for a century. TOS "The Way to Eden" 3-75
Cerebus II; Planet. The natives developed a treatment that reverses the aging process in humans. Was very painful and had high mortality rate. TNG "Too Short a Season" 1-16
Chalnoth; (left)
Lupine humanoids from Chalna. The Chalnoth are anarchists without any
government or authority. If any one area of Chalna can be said to be
governed by anyone, it is certainly the person with the biggest weapon.
Chalnoth technology is limited to the phasers and light spacecraft sold
to them by traders. The Chalnoth are vaguely catlike humanoids with
large fangs and long fur. TNG "Allegiance" 3-66
Chameloid; (right) Shapeshifting aliens from an unknown world in deep space. Virtually nothing is known about their home. Chameloids can assume any humanoid form, but are generally restricted to a basically humanoid shape. Most encounters with Chameloids have occurred in or near Klingon space, hinting to a homeworld in the Empire. Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country 6
Chandra V;
Tam Elbrun was assigned to Chandra V prior to the Tin Man encounter in
2366. Elbrun describe the Chandrans as beautiful, peaceful, nonhumanoid
creatures, who had a three-day ritual for saying 'Hello.' TNG "Tin Man" 3-68
Cheronian; (left)
Long lived extinct humanoid race from the planet Cheron. Often confused
with Charion (The outer moon of Sol IX, site of the last battle of the
Romulan War) , Cheron was home to a largely humanoid race that had one
significant difference from other humanoid races. Around half the
population had skin that was black on the right and white on the left.
The other half had the opposite configuration. One side pursued racist
policies and enslavement of the other, eventually the civilization
destroyed itself in racial wars. A small number of survivors of both
races escaped from the planet in their few interstellar craft, they are
locked in a perpetual chase to enforce their racist laws. Cheronian
technology was advanced and had limited interstellar abilities and a
primitive cloaking device. Cheronian physiology had the ability to
store and release an electric energy charge. TOS "Let That Be Your Last Battlefield" 3-70
Chrysalian; A neutral people who have been at peace for 10 generations and now are "uninvolved in all interstellar matters of consequence." Although they have often hired a Terran, Devinoni Ral, to handle their affairs, Ral says the Chrysalians have the resources, technology and science to oversee a wormhole. TNG "The Price" 3-56
Cloud Creature; (left)
Nucleogenic cloud being. Nebula-like life-form native to the Delta
Quadrant of the galaxy. The Starship Voyager encountered an individual
of this species in 2371, accidentally inflicting serious harm to the
creature by entering its body to harvest omicron particals. The cloud
being was over seven AUs in diameter and was composed mostly of
hydrogen, helium, and hydroxyl radicals. The crew of the Voyager was
eventurlly able to help heal the creature. VOY "The Cloud" 1-6
coalescent organism; Rare microscopic life-forms that absorb orther organisims, then assume the form of the organism they've absorbed down to the cellular level. TNG "Aquiel" 6-139
(right) Cloudlike life-form that lived on a planetoid in the Gamma
Canaris region. In 2117, the Companion discovered aged scientist Zefram
Cochrane drifting in space, near death. The Companion brought Cochrane
to her planetoid and cared for him, rejuvenation his body, giving him
effective immortality, but subjection him to extreme loneliness. Over
time, the Companion grew to love Cochrane. in 2267, the Companion
abducted Kirk, Spock, McCoy and Federation Commissioner Nancy Hedford
form the shuttlecraft Galileo to live with Cochrane to alleviate his
isolation. The Companion joined with the dying Commissioner to form one
single human individual and she and Cochrane stayed on the planetoid to
live out normal human lives. TOS "Metamorphosis" 2-38
Coridan; Mineral rich planet admitted to the Federation in 2267. Ambassador Sarek was credited with the Coridan admission. TOS "Journey to Babel" 2-39 TNG "Sarek" 3-71
(left) A non-aligned race of mercenaries. They have cracked-looking
skin. They operate in both Romulan and Federation space. They are
empathetically sensitive like Betazeds. TNG "Face of the Enemy" 6-140
Cravic; Technologically sophisticated Delta Quadrant civilization that became extinct in a war with the Pralor people. The Cravic created sophisticated humanoid androids to fight their war with the Pralor. Later the entire Cravic society was destroyed when they attempted to deactivate these robotic soldiers. VOY "Prototype" 2-29
Crystalline Entity; (right) A spaceborne life-form of unknown origin whose structure resembled a large snowflake, hundreds of meters across. The Crystalline Entity apparently thrived by absorbing the energy of biological life-forms on planets, leaving behind devastated planetary surfaces. In 2368 the Entity was destroyed after destroying the Melona IV colony. TNG "Datalore" 1-13
Cygnian; Humanoids
from Cygnet XIV. A matriarchal society that is particularly advanced in
computer science and electrical engineering. Their other technologies
are relatively primitive. As members of the Federation, they are a
popular site of technical symposia or research facilities. Cygnians are quite humanoid and almost indistinguishable from Terrans. TOS "Tomorrow is Yesterday" 1-19
Cytherian; (left) Advanced humanoid race from a planet near the center of the galaxy. The Cytherian's explore the galaxy not by travelling it, but by bringing the galaxy to them. Special probes launched by the Cytherians reprogram computers and lifeforms they encounter to come to the Cytherian homeworld. These probes can cause temporary super-intelligence in humanoids but are harmless. A cultural exchange with the Cytherian's in 2367, both sides gained enormously from this exchange and it will be decades before Federation scholars fully understand the results. TNG "Nth Degree" 4-93