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Xarantines; Alpha Quadrant species. They
attacked a Klingon Raptor. They were defeated by the Klingons but the toxin in
their ale infected the Klingon crew. ENT "Sleeping Dogs" 1-15
Xepolite; (left) Humanoid civilization. Like the Lissepians, the politically unaffiliated Xepolites served as covert intermediaries for the Cardassians, but unlike Lissepians, Xepolite free traders have never been caught doing so. Xepolite ships had a maximum speed of warp 9.8, with hulls made of sensor-reflective material. DS9 "The Maquis, Part II" 2-40
Xyrillians; Xyrillian skin is covered in iridescent plating. In "Unexpected" their ship had bioluminescent walls and floors and an edible grass grew on the ship walls. The grass emited a vapor necessary for metabolization. They have holodeck technology and reproduction involves placing the female’s genetic material into a male host. It is the male who carries the infant to term. A female on the Xyrillian crew impregnated Trip Tucker. The infant was quickly transferred to a Xyrillian host. ENT "Unexpected" 1-4